How Much Extra is a FORTIFIED Roof?

FORTIFIED is a program designed by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, IBHS, to help your home become prepared for intense hurricanes and weather events. 

Having a FORTIFIED roof means being part of a program that reinforces your home so that you can be confident and prepared should unpredictable weather occur. Reach out to a top Baton Rouge roofing company to learn more about this program.

What is Included with FORTIFIED? 

This program includes access to added structure to your home that will help reinforce it and go above and beyond for bad weather. 

It also provides you with a directory that has information about local roofing companies in Baton Rouge that are certified experts in building standards and verification. You will also get access to a home evaluator and IBHS review

When you use FORTIFIED, you will also have access to financial incentives like tax credits, discounts on your insurance, and decreased deductible rates, making it easier to afford roof repair in Baton Rouge when needed.

How Can I Qualify For FORTIFIED?

The home improvement program is available for homeowners of specific models of homes, including: 

  • Townhouses

  • Two-family dwelling units

  • Single-family detached homes

  • Manufactured homes built after 1994

However, if you cannot enroll in the official program, you can still ensure your home is up to the FORTIFIED code and extra safe from the weather. The standards and information are available online for public access. 

You can also ask your local roof contractor in Baton Rouge, LA about preparing your home for intense weather. The best roofing contractors in Louisiana should all be well-versed in storm damage prevention.

How Expensive is FORTIFIED? 

Generally, there are some significant extra costs associated with this program. The baseline extra cost is increasing the strength of your home, which requires coverage for materials and labor from a roof contractor in Baton Rouge, LA. 

For specific estimates, you will need to contact roofing companies in Baton Rouge because the codes may differ in different areas. 

The verification process also adds costs because it requires a third party aside from your Baton Rouge roofing company. 

Some of the typical total costs include: 

  • FORTIFIED Gold membership home: additional 1% to 3%

  • When replacing the roof: an additional $1,000 to $3,000

How Effective is FORTIFIED?

This program can't guarantee that your home will never experience damage, but it can reduce the impact that weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes will have. This investment can save you thousands, according to expert providers of roof repair in Baton Rouge. 

FORTIFIED is designed to limit the effect of the damage rather than prevent it altogether because there is no way to 100% guarantee that there will be no damage to a home during severe weather. 

Final Thoughts

There are many ways that you can invest in your home to make sure that it is as safe as possible in the case of bad weather. One of the most effective methods is using the FORTIFIED program to level up the stability and durability of your home. 

If you want to invest in your house to keep it as safe as you can, talk to your roofing contractors in Louisiana about meeting the FORTIFIED standards today!


Fortified Roof Incentive


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